Sunday, 14 May 2017

Shredded Money & Tears of Laughter!

A couple of years ago, Mum and Dad gave us a gift of an outside free-standing letter box to replace the traditional "in-door" letter box. This was as a result of multiple distressed phone calls to employers for copies of pay slips and re-issued cheques, shredded birthday cards and obliterated bills (which only became an issue when the "red-lined" envelope with "final notice" stamped across it started coming in the door)! Why was this happening to our post I hear you ask? One word - Betty!

Yes our adorable Jack Russell Terrier,
Betty, had taken an affiliation to shredding anything made of paper that came through that front door letter box!

However, occasionally, people still popped things through it as we didn't have it properly sealed.
But today, it included E100 cash!
A friend dropped the e100 donation towards our Cancer Care West headshave through it while I was out for a cuppa with another friend.

As soon as I got the text from her to say that she had dropped it in, I legged it straight home! I was relieved to open the front door and see nothing on the doormat. I figured she must have meant the other letter box...but that was empty! Betty greeted me with a somewhat subdued demeanour - very unusual for her! I went upstairs and found out why!

There, on the rug in our bedroom was the remnants of e100, and a very guilty looking Betty! When I saw her big brown eyes looking up at me, I couldn't be cross with her, and erupted into hysterics of laughter! Before cancer, I might have been a little cross for a minute or two... but today, I just laughed - and Betty loved this!

Thankfully, Yvonne was soon on hand to "repair" the cash. It took her nearly one hour, and a lot of sellotape, to put all the pieces of the two e50 notes together! But she did a mighty job!

Perhaps though, the funniest part of all this was when we brought the money to the bank a couple of days later to lodge it. The bank teller could barely speak through his bouts of laughter as he held up the money. There was so much sellotape on them, they looked like they had been laminated! He told us, "next time, just bring in the pieces with the serial number"! And he lodged the money. I swear, he was still laughing as a red faced Yvonne and I left the bank!

17th June 2017

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